Monday, June 11, 2012

Hawaii Part 4: Last Batch (I think)

The last day in Maui was bittersweet, sweet because we had one more full day to soak up the awesomeness that is Maui, and bitter because, well, it was our last day. Basically it was :) but also :(. 

Anyway, that morning Sawyer and I went to the beach, everyone else stayed inside to rest, sleep-in, etc, but not us! I wanted to perfect my island tan and Sawyer needed some more sand time. So off we went the few steps from our door to the sand.

loving the wind in his hair
I was loving his sandy toes
A perfect view

We went in for a rest, and then daddy joined us for some loungtime and a little pool swim. The underwater camera battery died so I didn't really get and pool pics. boo! (at least I got about 1.4 million the previous day)

After the pool time, we went in for some snacks and to get out of the sun for a bit, and then Mike, Sawyer, my dad and I ran back out to the beach to just get as much out of the last day as we could. 

One of Sawyers favorite things to do was throw sand back into the ocean. It was hysterical, he took it so seriously.

Me being a dork

Our condo complex: Hale Hui Kai

Rinsing off his feet in the shower, at the beginning of the trp he would stand far away from the shower and kick his foot just in the general direction of the water, it was hilarious. He got brave at the end of the week and finally would get his foot wet. 

After a long goodbye to the beach, we all trudged in to shower up and get ready for a dinner dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. (thanks so much Poppa!!)

Having no nap that day, Sawyer zonked out after his shower.

It was touch and go when we got to the restaurant, we almost thought we would have to leave because Sawyer was in such a crabby mood, but he perked up after a bit with some crayons and an episode of Bubble Guppies that I have stored on my phone. Us adults greatly enjoyed come cocktails, salads, and awesome steaks. Seriously, that place has the best Filet Mignons of ALL TIME. I am not lying.

He then ran wild around the shops at Wailea

We got back to see the end of the sunset and just enjoyed the warm evening outside. Tried to get some family shots, none turned out well.

Could not get a good picture of these two

It was a really great night, I had some trouble getting Sawyer to sleep, but all in all, a great last night, and of course, a really wonderful vacation. I am so so lucky to have this funny group as my family. We laughed a lot that week. Mom and Dad, thank you so much for joining us on this trip and helping with little Sawyer (he really did need 4 adults to wrangle him).

Scene out of our door before we left. :(

The plane ride home was infinitely better than the plane ride to Maui. We ditched the carseat with the baggage, and let Sawyer have his own real seat. No major meltdowns and best of all, no kicks to the poor person in front of him!

That about sums it up! (you would think, right?)

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