For his birthday I found this crocheted beard on Etsy and ordered it. I forgot to give it to him on his actual birthday (I am such an airhead, my coworker asked me how he liked and that is what reminded me, oy vey). Needless to say, he is a fan.
Of course we had to have Blair try it :)
I belong to this group on facebook where you can buy/sell kids clothes and after I put this shirt on Blair I realized it needed to go, I could hardly get it over (or off) her head (big brains) so off it went. I had to get a photo first since it is sooooo cute!
That day the boys went fishing so Blair and I had a girl's morning where she played with her shopping cart and then we went to the mall
The other night Blair busted into the living room with one of Sawyer's swords saying "HIYA" so now sibling sword fights are a regular occurrence.
Who doesn't brush their teeth in their personalized chair while holding a sword?
Then she decided to hang out on the couch with all of her babies....
and pretended to take a nap with them. It was the cutest thing on earth.
April 16th this girl turned 18 months old! I love her eyes in this photo, she is really such a pretty girl.
And finally my sweet Sawyer let me take his picture
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