This week we had Sawyer's 2nd soccer practice and he was so happy! I remembered to bring my zoom lens so I got some slightly better pictures this time. He loves soccer and has asked everyday since Monday if it was soccer day. The kids are so cute and I love watching Sawyer do his thing. Blair and I sit on a blanket and she eats snacks and plays with toys. I recently started supplementing with 1 bottle of formula a day (I can't keep up with her) and she was so cute relaxing and drinking her bottle.

I love the tongue
That same day I took Blair in to a late evening doctors appt (I love that our place is open late, we got a 7pm appt). She was wheezing that afternoon and we wanted to make sure she was ok, turns out she just had another cold that came about right after she finished a round of antibiotics from her LAST cold. These back-to-school germs a brutal!
Still smiling!
The next day I rearranged the playroom and Sawyer kept saying "our house is so different!" They both like the new arrangement and I do too.
Not the best picture of her, but this totally encompasses about 90% of the pictures I take of her. She is so funny and nuts, (blinking, crazy hair. racing towards me)
her little bottom teeth are too cute. Her top 2 are poking through now!
Mike surprised Sawyer with a new boomerang a few days ago. Sawyer has been into boomerangs the last few months, (I'm thinking I remember something from a Jake and the Neverland Pirates episode). I got him a traditional looking one over the summer but it doesn't work well, and the one Mike got (triangle shaped) was a slam dunk. We went to the park today and tried it out, Sawyer insisted on bringing the one I got him so it turned into a boomerang day. We also brought a frisbee, can't have too much fun!
she is still getting used to her shoes....
I love my little crew!
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