Thursday, March 5, 2015

Bulldog Rescue and a Sick Day

Last weekend Mike's mom, the kids, and I went to a mall near Portland to shop and have lunch at the Cheesecake factory. Sawyer brought his favorite stuffed toy, one of Mike's old pound puppies from when he was a kid. On our drive home Sawyer asked where his bulldog was, and we assumed it was in one of our shopping bags. When we got home we discovered it wasn't! I called Gapkids and they had it. The nice man said they would hold onto it for as long as they needed to as they understood we lived an hour away. Sawyer didn't realize it was gone until Sunday and he was really sad. Monday it hit him the hardest because he sleeps with it everynight. He was the saddest I've ever seen him. I wasn't going to be able to drive to get it until this weekend so Mike became the hero and went on his lunch break on Tuesday. It was a bit out of his way but worth it for our little guy.

I got this picture midday:

I showed Sawyer the picture after I picked him up from daycare and he wanted to look at it the whole way home. Once we got home he made a thank you card which is pretty much the cutest thing ever. He even drew a "newt" under his name.

The next day my adorable Blair wore her purse like a grown lady

 Last night Blair woke up crying which she hasn't done in a looong time. Her head and little body were really warm but she didn't let me take her temp, also she was wheezing pretty bad. She developed a cough a couple days ago so I knew that we better stay home today. It was a good thing because she was diagnosed with another virus and an ear infection. 

I told Sawyer we had to take Blair to the doc so he decided to give he dog a check up

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