Just a little taste of our week :)
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Jumping Jacks
Sometimes we do jumping jacks here just for some exercise and to get a little energy out. Sawyer thinks it is hilarious and his laughing and jumping have me busting up. This was the highlight of my day today.
Sorry for the shaky video, I was having to jump to get him to jump.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Recent Instagrams and a Video
Nothing too exiting happening this week, just mostly Mr and I getting excited for our upcoming vacation! I don't think Sawyer has a clue, but that is ok. We got a portable DVD player today so that he can handle being on a plane for 5.5 hours. He decided not to nap today, so we put him in our bed with the DVD player so he could have some quiet time. I am so glad we got it! ha!
Such a sweet sleeper
Sawyer and I before I left for a girls night out. I missed him, but had so much fun :)
Waiting for Dad to come home, he likes watching cars drive by
Grubbin on my dinner. I am happy for him to eat anything!
Sawyer talking about his love for Sausage. I keep asking him what he is eating because I love the way he says sausage. I sound a little looney in this video, please don't mind me.
Monday, May 14, 2012
The Great Outdoors
We have really been enjoying this weather lately. Oregon is hit or miss with nice weather in the spring, I remember when Sawyer was an infant wishing I could find little sweaters since it was so chilly, and that was May and June and there were no tiny sweaters to be found! But we seem to have been fortunate these last few weeks. I know I have mentioned before that Sawyer loves to be "side" (outside) so most afternoons we go outside to just run around and enjoy the warmth, and of course, play with those goofy dogs.
Some pics from the last week up to today:
Some pics from the last week up to today:
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Things I Want To Remember: Volume 1
Part of the why I started this blog was for me (and my family of course) to be able to look back on little cute things that happened, or what we did one week, or little sayings that Sawyer said. This past weekend I had such a fun time with my little guy, he seemed to have what everyone calls a "verbal explosion." I am SO happy! He is such a sweet little talker and will now repeat a decent amount of what we ask him to say and really seems to comprehend it all. He was really well behaved, slept well, ate well, and was just so enjoyable to be around. I don't mean to imply that most days are not that way, because they are, but for some reason last weekend was extra special.
I plan to have more posts like this, where whenever I feel like it, I can just list off things I want to remember, big or small. Just to make me smile.
I plan to have more posts like this, where whenever I feel like it, I can just list off things I want to remember, big or small. Just to make me smile.
- Mike was gone Friday night to Saturday evening and on Saturday morning Sawyer and I went shopping. He was really awesome while we shopped, he has gotten antsy in the past just sitting in his stroller for more than a few minutes, but not this time. He was just happy to observe things happening around him, or tell me something that was on his mind, or say hi to people.
- At baby Gap I found a straw fedora and just for fun put it on him and he surprisingly loved it! I had to buy it for him because it makes a perfect sunhat for our upcoming vacation. He has worn it for hours each day since he got it. LOVES it! So funny!
- We went grocery shopping on Sunday and for a treat we let him sit in one of the "kid carts" with steering wheels and he had a blast turning the wheels while wearing his hat. He was hilarious.
- This happened about a week ago, but still worth mentioning: he took my soda cap and put it on his toe and called it a shoe. Such a jokester!
- He asked if I wanted a bite of his ball, as if it was food. :)
- New words: Hawaii, grapes, hat, shirt, shorts, Love You, need a bite, more but sounds like "meh", car, and cookie but he says "key"
Sorry for the wordy post, here are some pictures to make it more enjoyable!
And a little video
Sunday, May 6, 2012
More Than One Way To Drive A Car
I apologize for my annoying voice and laugh, but this just cracked me up. He gets funnier every day.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Scary Monster!
I can't get enough of hilarious hooded towels for toddlers. Here we have "SCARY MONSTER! AHH." He gets a kick out of us saying that and normally he laughs and then roars at us, today he was more chapped than amused, but I think the pictures are cute anyway.
All In A Sunday
I had high hopes to take Sawyer to the Oregon Ag Fest last weekend and it just didn't happen. Various things got in the way, but we made the best of the weekend! Saturday pictures are in the previous post, here are the Sunday shots!
Sawyer, Grandma, and I went to Red Robin for lunch, Sawyer plowed through half of this pizza, and thought it was pretty cool to be drinking out of a straw cup. He would take a big sip and then beam at us with this huge adorable smile.

Sawyer, Grandma, and I went to Red Robin for lunch, Sawyer plowed through half of this pizza, and thought it was pretty cool to be drinking out of a straw cup. He would take a big sip and then beam at us with this huge adorable smile.
After his nap we played outside and he got to get reacquainted with his fun red shovel.
Thanks for the winning smile, Mike!
Puki getting hydrated
Sawyer and his doggies-waaaaaay out there
I tried to get a better picture of us, Sawyer had other ideas
After we came inside Sawyers milk cup leaked, hence the diaper only, and he snacked on a pear and seemed annoyed at all my picture taking.
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