I am skipping over a few weeks worth of stuff because I just can't find the time to gather all the photos needed. (I will eventually)
ANYWAY, here is my big boy, his FIRST day of Kindergarten and I just can't believe it. We spent the week leading up to the big day reading books about Kindergarten. He was pumped. He seemed to enjoy school shopping and he was most excited about his shoes, lunchbox, and backpack. Mike took Blair to daycare that morning so I could put all of my focus on my Sawyer. For our district all schools have full day kindergarten starting this year and his school doesn't start until 9:20 so we didn't feel rushed getting ready. His school is just a few blocks away so we walked over and I could barely keep it together. The second I walked out of the school I lost it and cried the whole walk home.
He was so adorable in his class and I may have hung around for too long before leaving.... I don't think I know of anyone more confident than Sawyer, seriously. He loves to make friends and will talk to anyone. He had so many stories when I picked him up that day: "Mom, I didn't eat all my lunch but I'm so hungry right
now. I don't remember my friends names but I'll remember tomorrow. There
was another teacher named Stephanie (teach aide) and I tried to tell her
that was your name too but she kept on talking to other people....I
should tell her tomorrow. I don't ever want to get a hot lunch, some of
my friends got hot lunches, not me. We read a story about a cat and I
liked but I wished she read a peppa pig story." We love him more than words can say.

Blair looking adorable at pick up!
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