Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Soccer: weeks 3 and 4 / 31 is old / and inbetween

Sawyer loves soccer so much that I am trying to document every week (there are only 8) on our little blog. Last week it was sprinkling on and off all day but there was no email saying it was cancelled so off we went. About 25 minutes into the hour it went from sprinkling to pouring. I guess this makes Sawyer a true Oregonian - playing soccer in the rain! Luckily Blair was dry and warm in her stroller and I brought our giant umbrella! As always, Sawyer had the blast - he asks daily if it's a soccer day.  (I need a better zoom lens, please excuse my crappy pictures)


In typical little sister fashion, Blair likes playing with Sawyer's toys more than she likes playing with hers

There was a jog-a-thon at Sawyer's school last week, I wasn't able to make it but my friend Tracee did and she took these pics of my cute guy

I turned 31 on the 5th, which is CRAZY! I vividly remember turning 21 and I literally can't believe that was 10 YEARS AGO! This year we started the "celebration" with Mike and I getting a date night for the first time since December (I know). We went to dinner and then to a movie - Gone Girl, seriously it was so good. I want to see it again! I loved the book (except for the ending) and loved the movie. I'm so thankful for Mike's mom, Molly, (and Aunt Gail!) being here to babysit so we could have the night to ourselves. Thank you!

Molly let us sleep in (late movie) and she and Sawyer made me a coconut birthday cake that morning. It was delicious!

Mike had some work on his car he needed to get done so Molly, the kids, and I went to lunch and did some shopping. When we got home Blair was exhausted so she took a nap which unfortunately meant she missed out on the family birthday cake picture. No worries though- her birthday is next week (and if you know me at all you know I will be documenting that like crazy)! There was an embarrassing amount of smoke with these 31 candles.

That evening we went to the park - I can't get enough of these blue eyes

the cutest boy in the world

Then next day was week 4 of soccer! Mike was able to make it this day which was super cool for Sawyer. There is always some parent participation and I am always trying to finagle this with Blair in my arms so Sawyer was happy to have his dad there. 

the tongue

I swear Blair's favorite part of soccer is her random bottle of formula

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