Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Huffords Go On Vacation | Hawaii Part 1

We felt like the luckiest people on earth because we got to spend a week in beautiful Maui! Mike and I hadn't been back to Maui since our Honeymoon almost 5 years ago, and not to Hawaii since our one year wedding anniversary about 4 years ago. We had been itching to go for so long and this year we were able to make the trip, and it was extra special since we got to bring our little dude! Overall it was so awesome and I wish we could be there for at least another week. We arrived on a Saturday afternoon and were joined by my parents the next day.

We will start off with the flight. Lets just was not good. Sawyer was a nut for about 1/2 the flight, we had him in his carseat and I thought it would be a good idea to be able to strap him in for the flight, boy was I wrong. Him being in the carseat just put him at the right distance to kick the tar out of the poor guy in front of us. (The guy was super nice and did not even act annoyed, even though he had to have been. I apologized 600 times and he was gracious and said he was fine and will understand our position someday, and walked off the plane with a smile. We were in Maui afterall ;) ) The portable DVD player we bought the week before was our best friend, along with the Bubble Guppies DVD.

Mike's face cracks me up in the bottom two, kind of shows how the flight was going, see how Sawyer is trying to get into the aisle?

When we arrived, we were about the last people off the plane and by the time we got to baggage claim we saw a suitcase that was identical to ours, but it was not ours. Most of the other suitcases were gone, and it hit me that someone else must have taken ours by mistake. Mike ran out to the curb to see if he could see someone with our suitcase, and holy cow he did! Thank heavens! What a surprise they would have been in for to open it up to see a bunch of diapers and toddler clothes!

We got to our condo and it was so nice, Sawyer felt right at home and the first thing we did was change into our swimsuits and head to the beach. The little man wasn't too sure of the sand, but was happy to sit on the towel and play.

Dressed and ready to go!

Sawyer woke up at 6am Oregon time and did not sleep AT ALL on the plane, or on the drive to the condo, so we put him to bed at 6:30pm Hawaii time (basically he was up for 15.5 hours) and he fell right asleep and woke up the next morning at 6:30! Such a good nighttime sleeper! We went to bed at like, 8:30, so we all got some good sleep.
Sawyer had his favorite breakfast of pancakes and sausage, and then we went to the beach.

Sawyer waving to daddy who is coming out of the water

After some ample beach time, we went out to lunch and for a sight-seeing drive.

Running down the hall of the condo complex

First taste of Guava juice, he was a fan

Dancing (headbobbing) to some Guns N Roses

Scenes from our drive, and then Mr Dude fell asleep about .2 seconds from the condo, so we just kept on driving

That afternoon-it was back to the beach! And that is when Grandma and Grandpa showed up! He recognized them instantly which warmed my heart because we don't get to see them as often as we would like to, since we live in different states.

loving the sunshine

Mike made this awesome looking sushi for dinner that he and my dad enjoyed

Sawyer watched a little Bubble Guppies before bedtime

Stay tuned for some more posts, this is only the first 2 days! :) 

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