Monday, November 2, 2015

Pumpkin Patch 2015

My favorite day of the year! I love getting pumpkins because I love fall so much and I love taking pictures of my kids with pumpkins! So fun. Unfortunately for me I have a 2 year old that doesn't always love to cooperate with my photo vision but she was still very cute. Sawyer was on point and had the best time running to his hearts content and sliding down this enormous tube slide. He probably went down that thing 50 times, no exaggeration. It was hilarious!

She refused to look at me and smile 

and one more pic because its cute - taken on 10-5-15

Fresh Air

Back in the end of September we were itching to get out of the house. We were still mourning our sweet Bugaboo and Sawyer was finally feeling better (he had an Asthma attack 2 days after Bugaboo died and had to go to the ER for a couple hours to receive some breathing treatments) and we thought it would be best for us to breath in some fresh fall air and get a little exercise. We went to a little hiking spot by our house and the kids looked so cute and we all had lots of fun exploring and chatting.

Sawyer plays soccer - The Terminators! Fall 2015

We signed Sawyer up for team soccer this year and we are so happy we did! He had the best time and really shined out there on that field! He loved his teammates and coaches and it was so fun to watch him play and grow as a soccer player! His last game was on Halloween and we are already looking forward to the Spring season!

I tried to take pictures at every game (I only missed one due to Blair and I traveling) but I really need a new lens ;)

Bugaboo - We miss you

Back on September 18th we lost our sweet Bugaboo. She had passed away in her sleep during the day when we were all away from home (work/school/etc.) It was quite shocking and unexpected, we think about her all the time and our life still doesn't feel the same without her.

She was such a sweet dog who loved being told she was a good girl. She loved chasing things and loved her sister dog, Puki. A month and a half later it is just finally sinking in to me that she isn't here anymore.

We miss you so much Bugaboo - I hope you are chasing squirrels in doggy heaven.

Bugaboo Hufford: August 25th 2006 - September 18 2015
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