Friday, August 31, 2012

State Fair

A few days ago Sawyer's Grandma and Grandpa came into town to take us to the State Fair! Sawyer seemed to enjoy it last year, but since he was so little he didn't get to do much. This year he was tall enough for some rides! Well, he only went on one ride (it was late and a work night) but he loved it so much.

Looking awesome, glasses, hat, stylin
A dinner of pouches and french fries. Typical.
Smokey the bear! I love Sawyer side-eying him.

The highlight of the fair for me, Sawyer screaming to everyone that the salmon in the tank was "A SHARK!!!!!!!"

So unflattering of me, but I don't have many pictures of us, so I take what I can get

Checking out the livestock

He loved these, he would shout "A BIG TRACTOR! I DRIVE IT?" 

  Dancing to the music from the mechanical bull

I was worried he would be scared on this canoe ride since he was by himself, I was wrong. He went twice. He looked like such a big kid and the whole time he looked so pleased with himself. It was cracking me up so hard.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sawyer Love

Basically, I can't think of a good title for this post since its not about anything in particular. I just have some recent pictures of my adorable dude that I wanted share.

Isn't he so handsome? I can't believe how old he has been looking! No longer a baby.

Vanilla milk box:new obsession

 Trying on Mike's belt

and lately from my iphone.

Ruby Tuesday lunch on our anniversary
buns in the air

Saturday Market finds

He grabbed Mike's phone and declared it "Sawyer's phone" and then put it in his pocket

pretending to play wii


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Maui Video

I had been wanting to make a little video of our Maui vacation, but had never done anything like it before. So this is my first attempt, its kind of "rough" and I wish I knew how to fade out the music at the end, but I can only get better with future videos, right?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Shark Week

We aren't hardcore into Shark Week (on the Discovery Channel) but we tend to watch a few of the shows each year. I thought we would get Sawyer into it with his shark toy, shark towel, shark pj's, and shark glasses. I wasn't so successful, but I was able to get a few photos. Seems like when you want your kid to cooperate for photos, they decided they don't want to. ;)

Not interested in posing for towel photos

Pointing out the sharks on his jammies

Hard to tell, but these are shark glasses

More attempts with the cute shark towel

Not having it

Shark bath toy, that is his "grr" face

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Poppa and Nana Visit

Even though my parents were here for a sad reason (see previous post) it was really great to spend time with them. I had the week off of work we we just relaxed and hung out, lots of playtime with Sawyer and lots of Olympic watching.

Some photos from the visit (mostly taken by Grandpa):

His wet hat was cracking us up

 Poppa and Nana took him to the Carousel and the Park as a treat

I went to my room for 2 seconds to get grab something and came out to him wearing Nana's glasses

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