Friday, May 30, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend (Haircuts, Fishing, and Real Food)

We went into Memorial Day weekend with no real plans and it was nice to just relax and have more family time. It was extra nice because Mike was just coming off his first week back at work so I think it helped us all ease the transition from his unemployment to working full time (which we are SO thankful for)!

On Saturday Mike and Sawyer went to get haircuts, it was Sawyer's first haircut in almost a year! It was time. I love his long hair but there is a point where it is just too long. We reached that point months ago, but Sawyer was adamant about NO HAIRCUTS and insisted he loved his long hair. I don't recall exactly what made him change his mind, I'm sure it was some random bribe like chocolate milk but he finally agreed. I trusted Mike with the task and apparently Sawyer charmed the whole salon. I wish I could have seen it! He came home with a lollipop and told me all about it. I could have cried at his cuteness.

I took a picture the night before with his long locks all over his pillow

Blair is the happiest morning person, I don't know where she gets it from but she is always so happy when she wakes up (or is woken up). 


After that we all grabbed Panera for lunch and made a Target run. I also rented Frozen for Sawyer, we FINALLY saw it and I know what the heck everyone has been talking about for the last 6 months!  

On Sunday the boys went fishing:
 While the boys were at the river, I did what I chickened out on doing the day before....I took Blair to get her ears pierced. They did the first ear and she didn't cry immediately like I thought she might (she was sitting in my lap facing out), and I said "hey she isn't crying" then I turned her around to see her face and it was the poutiest, saddest face I have ever seen-then she lost it and wailed. I felt like a real jerk right at that moment! Thankfully the crying lasted less than a minute combined after the other ear was done and she now doesn't even notice them. Plus, how cute is she?

When the boys got home everyone took a nap (though Blair's nap was on my lap) and I got to catch up on one of my favorite shows, The Good Wife. 
That evening we went to our friends house, Sawyer had fun playing with his best gal pal and Blair had Quinoa for the first time. She was so into it!

On Monday the boys went fishing again and Blair and I went to the Willamette Valley Pie Company to meet some old friends from the Mom's group we went to when I was on maternity leave. $1 piece of pie, who can pass that up?

Blair woke up happy as usual!

I can't get over her fuzzy blonde hair

I am pretty sure Sawyer would rather starve then eat a vegetable, so he was confused when Blair was eating these peas on Monday night. She was obsessed. I love it, I hope she is a better eater than he is! Maybe he will learn from her!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Back to Normal

Last week was kind of a new beginning for the Hufford family, but also in a way we are back to our normal selves. Mike started a new job on Monday after a few months of unemployment, so in a sense it was a new dynamic for all of us since the kids and I were used to him being around all the time. We liked having Dad home during those months, there was a lot of quality time and I loved getting pictures sent to me during my workday showing the life of "Daddy Day Care."

However, we are extremely relieved that he is back to work, it is very necessary. Sawyer seemed like he was having a hard time adjusting to Mike being back at work because he had some more frequent than usual grumpy moments during the afternoons. I think it is hardest on Sawyer, he really loves Mike and feels the need to be side by side with him at all times. Grumpy moments aside he was pretty good for me and most problems can be fixed with a hug and a glass of milk.

A few photos from our first week back to normal: Both kids tuckered out after our weekly grocery shopping trip on Sunday

I came out of the shower one night to Mike reading to the kids, I love Blair's thunder thigh

She loves him

this might be one of my most favorite pictures of her
You can see how thrilled Sawyer is in the background - Mike just arrived home

cranky before bed, maybe she was upset I put her in boy pj's

the girl loves her puffs!
jumping on the trader joes peony bandwagon

Saturday, May 17, 2014

7 Months and a New Bike

 My little darling Blair turned 7 months old yesterday! I say this at least weekly, but where has the time gone? She is a perfect sitter and loves to be held. She is on the verge of crawling, but while trying to get in the position she faceplants and gets mad, I think it will happen soon though! While I would classify her as a bit high maintenance, she is a wonderful baby girl who I am obsessed with. She loves her brother so much and he loves her. Their bond is basically most wonderful thing I have ever seen. On Mother's day when she woke up in the morning Sawyer went in her room and over the monitor I heard him saying "peek a boo, I see you!" and then her little husky laugh afterwards. This happened at least 10 times in a row and was the best thing I could have asked for as a mother.

Last weekend Sawyer decided he wanted to ride his bike, like REALLY ride it, for the first time. He was always scared to ride it and I finally got it out of him why he avoided it for so long: he was scared to fall. I assured him he would be ok (and he actually did fall and he skinned his knee pretty bad {oops}).Well, turns out that the bike we bought him when he was 2 is too small for a 4 year old. He did ok with it, but he really needed a new big boy bike. Today we went to REI and got him a new Novara bike and it is PERFECT. He was thrilled to get it. Our neighborhood is pretty hilly so he rode it back and forth on the back deck for a bit, but that is no way for a kid to break in a bike, so we took him to Riverfront Park this evening so he could really test it out. He was so cute and Mike and I were such proud parents.

Sawyer got some new Native's today and I got some new TOM's for Mother's Day. I am obsessed with both.

Proudly posing in the front yard with his new bike

 I love when they play together. Sawyer was telling her that she couldn't touch his truck

Blair was desperately trying to get the bow off her pants

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